2) free writing for five minutes
If you want, you can start by answering one of these questions:
What are some of the most important things you've learned in this class about writing online?
Does technology help or hinder language learning?
What can you do with your blog in the future?
Writing for the Web
Your work may require you to write for a website as well as print on paper. In some
ways this is no different from writing print on paper: you follow the ________of
Orientation, Information, and Action just as you do in a business letter or _________.
But the Web is a different________ , and its _______ respond to it very differently from the
way they _________ to paper documents.
Use “blurbs” to describe what visitors will find when they _________on a link.
These help your visitors ________ what they're looking for.
Use lots of headings and subheads.
A _____ block of text is hard to read on screen, so keep paragraphs to three or four
sentences each, with space between them
Break up paragraphs.
If the print version of a brochure is 500 words long, try to condense the Web version to
250 words. Keep most sentences under 20 words long.
Write ___________
Given these qualities about the Web and Web ______, you will have to _______your
Please fill in the above blanks with a partner with the following words:
Read the three points below which are related to how writing for the web is different from writing in print. Together with your partner please rank the points in order of importance. Which is the most important idea? Write at least two sentences for each ranking to explain your rationale.
Readers are impatient
That is, visitors can jump around from one page to another in any sequence they like.
This means every document should be able to stand on its own, without reference to
other documents. As a Web writer you should be able to create such stand-alone
documents, and to make it easy for your visitors to jump to other documents on your
Web text is hard to proofread.
Perhaps because of poor screen resolution, Web writers (like email writers) often miss
typos or grammatical errors in their own text. Website visitors, however, are likely to
spot those mistakes very quickly. They will gain a poor opinion of your professionalism
and attention to detail.
Web text is hard to read.
Computer screen resolution is not as sharp as print on paper, so we tend to read it
slowly—up to 25 percent more slowly than print.
5 keys to phenomenal communication (compliments of Ron)
1- STORIES (every day coming home, how was your day?) a) personal experiences (nobody can fight it) b) experiences of others
F amily
F riends
N eighbors
N ews
(in decreasing effect // the more controversial the higher up you want to be)
c) hypothetical: imagine... suppose.... picture this... what if...
The why behind the importance I stories is found behind 5Ds
the 5D generation divorce, debt, digitization (science, web, and media) downsizing and daycare
(divorce assumption (culture of distrust))
2- FACTS numbers stats
-specific and shocking
- PEA (phenylethylamine)
3. QUESTIONS - the person with the questions has the power
4. Use quotes and dialogue, credibility:
A) who's talking?
B) who's listening?
C) what's the topic?
- 5 senses, see, hear, smell, touch, and taste
(((Wisdom of ages is passed on through stories.)))
SIGs - poetry appreciation and creation (combined with technology)